Did You Skip To The End?

I was reading Simple American’s blog and he mentioned that after he got his Harry Potter book he read the last line of the book.  This was something that I was not even tempted to do.  But I am also one of those people who don’t like to know their Christmas presents early.  How many of you who read HP peeked?  I do not think poorly of people who do this so don’t be shy.  After all, fans have read around 3,000 pages (a total guess) and fretted for a decade by the time book 7 was released.  I can see why you would want to know what happens to Harry.  I am just one of those people who live by the belief that life is about the journey and not the destination.  I say this to myself and others at least once a week.  I am just curious to see how many looked ahead. 

Harry Potter Mania

littlemanhpparty.jpg I took Little Man and Solin to the Harry Potter party at Borders books.  Some kids were dressed up in cute little costumes.  Most were wearing Hogwart school uniforms.  My favorite was the family who wore t-shirts with “Dumbledore’s Army” written on them.  The adults tended to wear the darker costumes like Death Eaters and I even saw a man dressed as Snape.  Little Man and I stood in line to get his face painted.  We stood in line for 1 hour and 40 minutes.  Right before it got to be his turn he said “I just want a lightning bolt scar”.  I said to him, “no you don’t!  We have stood in line for almost 2 hours and you are going to get something more than a jagged line on your forehead.”  Then the little boy behind us told his mom “I only want a lightning bolt too.”  And like me, she went ballistic. She said to him “No way!  You made me stand in this line this long you are going to get a spider and something else too!  A lightning bolt?!  I had a Sharpie in the car and could have done that!  Oh no mister, you are going to get a whole bunch of stuff!”  I was laughing but Little Man had wide eyes and then said “that golden snitch looks pretty cool too.”  I knew he would see it my way. 

I just thought I would let you all know, I finished the book already.  You will not get any spoilers out of me.  I will just say, I enjoyed the book.  It had some things I liked and some thing I didn’t like but J.K. Rowling does not need to worry about me going all “Misery” on her (kidnapping her and breaking her ankles so she can rewrite the book with the right ending).  I am sad it is all over though.  Harry, Hermione and Ron have become a part of my life and I am really going to miss their adventures. 

Taking A Break

Everything is fine but summer has me a little busy.  I am going to take a break from writing on my blog for a couple of weeks.  I should be back by the end of the month.  I’ll be checking in on your blogs from time to time.  Peace!

Official Wuss Status

I have officially reached wuss status.  It started a few weeks ago when I went to see the movie “Room 1408”.  I found myself sitting in the theater getting a little frightened.  At times I even wanted to cover my eyes.  I walked away more than a little embarassed that a movie could make me frightened, especially one that was more of a thriller than a slasher flick.  For the record I do not care for slasher flicks.  Then last night I popped in a DVD of a TV series.  It is called “Supernatural”.  Basically 2 brothers fight evil things.  After watching a measely 2 episodes I had nightmares last night.  I knew the minute that I woke up that my life had wandered into new territory called “Wusslandia”.  I hope my stay is only temporary and not a permanent move.

Damn You McDonald’s

McDonald’s is running their $.89 42oz. drink special.  It is so hot and I am thirsty all the time.  I think I have been there every day in the past week.  I am addicted.  There has to be a hotline number somewhere to help people such as me.  But seriously, does anything taste better than a cold iced tea on a hot summer day?  I think not.

Out And About

Tomorrow I am going to a Royals game.  I actually enjoy going to the games because the seats that we get our so nice.  I don’t think I could ever sit in nose bleed section again.  What a snob I have become.  Thank you to the husband’s department for getting season tickets and sharing them with everyone.  You rock!

I also want to share our good news.  Solin is visiting us!  Her uncle got her a plane ticket and sent her on up to us.  I am glad she is here.  He told me that she was bored in Houston.  I told him to go ahead and send her so she can be bored in Kansas City.  I have been true to my word.  Happy weekend everyone.

Did you grow up watching Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood?  If so, you’ll appreciate this article from theOnion.com.  I don’t know why I find it so funny but I do.

Jobless In Kansas City

So my job ended on friday.  I still haven’t found anything new.  Okay I haven’t really been looking either but that is besides the point.  Jobs are supposed to drop into my lap without any effort from me at all.  You can see how out of touch from reality I am.  Actually, I have decided to not go for a mere job this time.  You dear readers have encouraged me to reach for the stars.  I will actually apply for a position that has to do with my career or a direction I would like to take when I go back to grad school.  There is a position at a local hospital as a social worker.  That sounds really interesting but there is another at a teaching hospital in research.  I suck at math but I can do stats.  I even like it.  It is more about patterns than numbers.  The numbers just represent a pattern.  So wish me luck.  I ams erious about jobs landing in my lap though.  I have no idea how to get a CV or resume together.  I have never needed it.  People always offer me jobs without me asking.  Weird huh?  This is new territory for me.

Good Luck Craig Biggio

Well I just wanted to wish long time Houston Astros player Craig Biggio good luck tonight.  He is just 3 hits away from getting 3000 career hits.  I will be watching the game intently and every night until Biggio makes this goal.  The man has played major league baseball for 20 years and he has played for the Houston Astros every single one of those years.  You gotta admire his dedication.

Weird Dreams

I had a funky dream that basically boiled down to Mr. D having to be away from me and the kids for an indefinite amount of time.  It was scary.  We had no idea if it would be months, years, or even forever.  I woke up with that real sad feeling one gets from dreams such as these.  It is a yucky way to wake up.  And especially on the morning after the Astros had a staggering loss.  They have a worse record than the Kansas City Royals I think.  Ah my poor Astros sucketh this season.  I still love them though.

Father Of The Year

Mr. D has always been a little rough around the edges but the kids find him highly entertaining.  It could be because he is still a kid himself (or acts like one I should say).  Here is his latest submission for Father Of The Year:

Little Man: [singing loudly] Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo!  Dooo! Doo-doo-doo-doo-doo!

Me: what is that?!

Little Man: It’s the Doo-Doo Song! [resumes singing loudly and annoyingly]

Me and Mr. D: STOP!!!

Little Man: why?

Me: Because I hate the “doodoo” song.  It is very annoying!

Little Man: How can you HATE the doodoo song?!

Mr. D: Because it sounds like shit.

Ward Cleaver he is not but Little Man learned his lesson and left with a smile.